
Vis a vis the “torment” mentioned at the end of the last post: after a massage, a long shower, some more aloe cream, a short walk, a thin crust pizza with prosciutto and mountains of arugula, a cup of mango and coconut gelato, and a short dip in the pool, my torment seems to have abated somewhat. Concert? What concert?

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  1. Priscilla
    Posted February 28, 2006 at 3:46 pm | Permalink

    Ah, I think I’d give anything to be you right now.

  2. Anonymous
    Posted February 28, 2006 at 7:08 pm | Permalink

    Jeremy, perhaps you can satisfy your inner sensualist (and avoid future sunburns) by playing more French music. Seems all you ever talk about here is Bach and Beethoven, not that I’m complaining (oh maybe I’m complaining a little bit). Wouldn’t the occasional Faure barcarolle or Poulenc novelette be the musical equivalent of mango and coconut gelato to your usual diet of roast beef and potatoes? Hope Joshua escaped solar injury – for some reason I imagine him with a perfect year-round tan to go with the flawless features. Good luck.

  3. Anonymous
    Posted February 28, 2006 at 8:38 pm | Permalink

    JD,are you teasing us here in NY?I wonder what kind of music floating in your mind while enjoying your coco and mango?
    I’m freezing here just sipping coffee while you there ….it’s unfair !!!!Can I join you there?I can treat you w/ chocolate lotion to go w/ the aloe.But then it’s already past sundown.Perhaps tomorrow in Texas for a bull ride?

    Yeah,what concert……you’re cool

  4. Allison
    Posted March 1, 2006 at 1:56 am | Permalink

    Jeremy, you never disappoint. In the sweet but capricious moments of stillness in the ICU, I find myself drawn into a world of music, philosophy, and almost addictively intriguing analyses of the questions that run through your mind. Your entries are works of art, and a welcome respite from the chorus of monitors that sings unevenly but purposefully throughout the wee hours of the morning.

    A mind for medicine, but a passion for classical music and the humanities; such is my dilemma.

  5. Hucbald
    Posted March 1, 2006 at 3:42 am | Permalink

    Vis-a-vis. Thanks.

  6. Ken
    Posted March 2, 2006 at 1:11 am | Permalink


    This has nothing to do with your blog entry. I wanted to say instead that I heard you and Joshua Bell at Bass Hall tonight and you guys were absolutely terrific. Especially the Kreutzer Sonata (which is my personal favorite).

  7. Sheri Ann
    Posted March 2, 2006 at 3:19 pm | Permalink

    Great concert at Bass Hall last night!

  8. bubs
    Posted March 2, 2006 at 7:18 pm | Permalink

    I would have commented earlier, except that it’s hard to type when the skin on your hands is beet red and raw from -40 wind chills. Plus side: Maya and I toasted some coconut over the weekend. It was almost like we were there with you in Miami. Except with more snow.

  9. Anonymous
    Posted March 3, 2006 at 8:50 pm | Permalink

    What else do tell Jer Jer. That sounds good, but I don’t hear any steamy stories from South Beach.
    Kiss and tell already

  10. Anonymous
    Posted March 3, 2006 at 8:55 pm | Permalink

    DETROIT – A 12-year-old visitor to the Detroit Institute of Arts stuck a wad of gum to a $1.5 million painting, leaving a stain the size of a quarter, officials say.

    The boy was part of a school group from Holly that visited the museum on Friday, officials say. They say he took a piece of Wrigley’s Extra Polar Ice gum out of his mouth and stuck it on Helen Frankenthaler’s “The Bay,” an abstract painting from 1963.

    The museum acquired the work in 1965 and says it is worth about $1.5 million.

    Top this for art happening

  11. Anonymous
    Posted March 3, 2006 at 8:58 pm | Permalink

    To enjoy before the concert

    Mellowed by brief cooking and wine, this pickled garlic is very mild in flavor. Slice it to add to salads or use as a garnish. Or top off the jar with olive oil, and serve the whole cloves as an appetizer.

    1/2 cup white wine vinegar
    1/2 cup dry white wine
    1 small dried chile pepper
    1 small thyme sprig
    1 small rosemary sprig
    1 small bay leaf
    10 black peppercorns
    2 teaspoons sugar
    1/2 teaspoon pickling salt
    1 cup peeled fresh garlic cloves

    Put all of the ingredients except the garlic into a nonreactive saucepan. Bring the contents to a boil, and gently boil them for 5 minutes. Add the garlic. Return the contents to a boil, then cover the pan, and remove it from the heat. Let it stand at room temperature for 24 hours.

    Bring the contents of the saucepan to a boil again, then transfer them to a half-pint jar. Let the jar cool, and cover it tightly with a nonreactive cap.

    Store the jar in the refrigerator. The garlic will be ready to eat in about 5 days, and will keep well for about 1 year.

    Makes 1 cup.

  12. Jennifer
    Posted March 3, 2006 at 11:23 pm | Permalink

    gosh, so unfair…some of us in nyc are freezing and suffering from bronchitis (although I do feel like I am in good company cuz I hear Christoph von Dohanyi is also out with bronchitis as well)

  13. Amy B.
    Posted March 5, 2006 at 11:03 pm | Permalink

    Also nothing to do with your post… but saw you and Joshua Bell today at Clowes Hall (from the front row!), and it was fantastic! I’m a violinist and have been a fan of Joshua’s for years, but I was also especially impressed by you today. You guys look like you’re really having fun up there! Bravo!!

  14. rb
    Posted March 7, 2006 at 11:11 pm | Permalink

    thanks for the garlic recipe, anonymous

One Trackback

  • By Jaquan on August 10, 2009 at 2:16 am


    an interesting take on a boring subject….

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