Monthly Archives: January 2006


I have noticed a slight uptick in the irritability of the universe lately. My evidence? The other day, I was in Starbucks minding my own business (so all these stories begin), typing nonsense at my too-cool-for-school laptop, when I noticed a man set something down at the empty adjoining table. Perhaps a minute later, another […]

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“The close of the Arietta variations has such a force of looking back, of leavetaking, that, as if over-illuminated by this departure, what has gone before is immeasurably enlarged. This despite the fact that the variations themselves, up to the symphonic conclusion of the last, contain scarcely a moment which could counterbalance that of leavetaking […]

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BS of the day award

Though the mountains of BS we as a species create each day make it difficult to choose, today this seems like a winner to me: His work appears on the surface to be something very simple, but at the same time it’s very complex,” Wilson said. [editor’s note: ugh.] “That’s something that fascinates me in […]

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I realize now–and as always, too late–that one of the great purposes of the blogworld is interconnection, the ongoing dialogue of concerns, weaving in and out of the worldwideweb. A virtual, impossibly sprawling watercooler. Everyone else on the in blogland seems to be constantly quoting and linking–linking like a giant string of idea-sausages, held thinly […]

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