Monthly Archives: September 2007

Woolly Wig: Trip to Prussia Cove

I have a tip for you.  Don’t check in online for your London flight at 4 AM, while lying sprawled in bed, after closing down Little Branch (a favorite spectral haunt, these days.)  You may fall asleep in the middle of check-in, snoring peacefully while you get assigned—by default, that rascally demon of bureaucracies—a middle […]

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Bimbo Genius

By now, we are all familiar with the recent performance of Miss Teen South Carolina. (I know what you’re already thinking: “why, Jeremy, why from the shelter of your Upper West Side comfort, hemmed in by prolific ATMs, would you feel the perverse need to pile any more scorn upon this poor girl? Just get […]

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Psalm and Dissertation

As usual, I am sandwiched between summer and reality. I am a slice of bologna squished between the flatbread of summer and the heartier rye of fall, spread heavily with the mustard of sloth. I am sentient bologna. I wish to squeeze free of my bread parentheses and flop out, out, onto the table, and […]

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