Monthly Archives: October 2005

What else? Dualities

A six-hour flight from JFK to Oakland last night proved not nearly so tedious as expected, due to a confluence of media. I had brought Joseph Campbell’s book The Hero with a Thousand Faces, thinking myself sorely in need of hero-myth analysis, and meanwhile had forgotten about the saturation satellite television proffered by JetBlue. It […]

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Just cause

Last night I dreamed that I had the most wonderful idea for a blogpost, and this morning no amount of coffee can bring it back. Black, black coffee; grey clouds; the wind came along last night and blew my neatly piled mail into a total chaos, a tempest of notifications and receipts. Demons, tricksters, loosening […]

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Puppy Love, Proven

What better morning than oatmeal, juice, coffee, whatever CDs strike my fancy, and a pile of books (Bellow, Baudelaire, Montaigne) on my bed, while the clouds gloom it up outside? And playing a phrase of Schubert over and over, for kicks, and running to the piano, trying to figure out the harmonies in Rufus Wainwright. […]

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See You Later

Unearthed in my desperate attack on the mail, a program from the Great Lakes Chamber Festival, with texts: Non c’e un unico tempo: ci sono molti nastri che parelleli slittanospesso in senso contrario e raramentes’interseccano. E quando si palesala sola verita che, disvelata,vienne subito espunta da chi sorvegliai congegni e gli scambi. E si repiombapoi […]

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