Monthly Archives: June 2005

Wow and Wind

Anonymous writes, “this entire blog is an exercise in narcissistic pretense.” Hooray for anonymous! He/she is correct, as always. Pretense courses through every entry: things are omitted, rewritten, made readable, given “a style, a voice”… there lurks in the background that pretentious word “literary.” I can’t, therefore, present myself, whoever that might be; I seem […]

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Rubato from Another Planet; or, Waking Up Early

Last night, inexplicably, I put a new CD in my CD alarm clock. (Avid Think Denk readers–is this a plural? or even a singular?–will recall volume two of Nina Simone’s “Tomato Collection” residing there previously.) I felt no particular urge for change; it just hit me, like the smell of sour milk emanating from a […]

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For the first time, blogging by request… A friend suggests by email that I write about the Quartet for the End of Time and (what do you know!) I just finished playing my last one here in Spoleto at the 1 pm concert. I am happy to blog about it because the performance was totally […]

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